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Rektificirano belo telo 30x60. Cena 4,99€/m2 - Rektificirano belo telo 30x60. Cena 4,99€/m2

Rektificirano belo telo 30x60. Cena 4,99€/m2 - Rektificirano belo telo 30x60. Cena 4,99€/m2

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Bela Betona Suha HA25

Bela Betona Suha HA25

It is a conglomerate of marble and cement aggregates, bagged in a dry state so that the user, by mixing it with the indicated water, can obtain a mass concrete, reinforced or pre-contracted, of adequate and constant quality. Compressive strength:>25 N/mm2 Minimum cement content:275 Kg/mm2 Consistency of fresh concrete - settlement:60-90 mm Maximum size of aggregates:12 mm